Day 2 - Back to Penang. Steamboat for lunch again!!! My parents, brother, SIL, and kids came to my house, so it's more fun, and everyone seemed like have appetite to take more food.
Day3 - Go to parents place for lunch & dinner (Steamboat again).
Day 4 - Back to work for 3 hours only. Take a nap in the afternoon.
Day 5 & 6 & 7- work, work, work....
Day 8 - Bring Jo2 for JE jab (3rd dose) end up spend more than I expect b'coz Dr.S found bacteria in his urine and need to culture the urine, to confirm whether need to go for treatment.
Day 9 & 10 - work, work, work....with worries about Jo2
Day 11 - Call treatment needed, Jo2 is ok.
Day 15 - Chap Goh Meh celebration in PSC, will bring Jojo there since they missed the chance to watch on the 1st day of CNY.
In conclusion: Gain weights.....LOL