Sunday, July 29, 2007

Before........and after school

No regrets. That's what I told myself after sending him to playschool even though it's 1/2 yrs earlier than I first planned.

  1. He begging me to read books for him b4 bedtime. He would to throw books away or tear it when I first introduced books to him. Sometimes, he even use books as a stepping stone for him to reach out something that I placed higher, and it's beyond his reach.
  2. He sings or hymns more often than he used to be.
  3. He likes school now. He wanted me to take him to school right after he finished his milk b4 bedtime. No more I don't want go to school......He wants to go to school everyday. Even when it is Sunday, he said he wanted to go to school too.
  4. He is more willing to do the clean up job compared to last time. I noticed that he will push his high chair in place after dinner, place his bowl to the kitchen table top, and also keep his toys after his play time.
  5. He gets angry when I call him "BABY." Real mad, I tell u.......and his face looks cute when he is angry. Crazy ME, sometimes I still call him "Baby" juz to make him angry.
  6. Unfortunately he is still refuse to take vegetables even though teacher told me that he eats carrots, potatoes, beans @ school for lunch, but not during dinner time when I am around.

Jo1's first baby......carrot!

We bought a packet of baby carrot seed during our last visit to Cameron Highlands. Jo1 planted the seeds and now it starting to grow. Jo1 is so happy to see it since she has been worry that the plants might not grow since it been raining days and night recently. Now, we really looking forward to see the first baby carrot. My MIL reminds her to bring 2 carrots for her on her next visit to Taiping.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

My sausage bun

It's been almost a month since Jo2 started his play school life. The begining was not easy, and wasn't that hard too. Now, I am glad that he likes his school, and accroding to teacher he is a friendly, cute, happy go lucky boy. Yesterday, Teacher asked me whether want to let him participate in school annual concert, and today the school's principal Linda told me a jokes about him during tea break.

While Jo2 is eating his sausage bun during tea break, Linda talked to him
P. Linda: I m hungry, can I eat yr sausage bun.
Jo2: I eat oredi-woh. (he meant he started to take bite)
P. Linda: Never mind, I want to eat 1/2 only.
Jo2: Cannot mommy buy for ME one!
P. Linda: The, next time ask yr mommy to buy for me also, can?
Jo2: My mommy only buy for me and Joning jie jie (that's how he call Jo1)
Jo2: U ask yr mommy go and buy for u-la.....ok!
The conversation ended until Linda don't know what to say, while he also finished his bun.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

My first assignment - What can a Million do tag

When I first started to work in 1998, I told myself that my life will be easy, my dreams will be fulfilled, and I will be very satisfied when I earn my first RM100K. Now, I oredi had my first RM100K, but life is still the same as now I have to earn and save for my kids. So, it wasn't as easy as I first thought. Blame myself on this, I m the type of person who But, angeleyes give me a chance to have dream again.

So, if I have 1 Million (of course I prefer in USD too)

  1. 70% goes to investment. Yes, invest, invest, invest in anything that can generate more money so that I will have more passive income. By doing so, I can retire at earlier age. and also to have sufficient fund for my chidren's tertiary education .
  2. 20% for spending. Yes, buy, buy, buy anything for my family and myself. I will buy a luxury car or a MPV.
  3. The balance will go to house renovation & vacation. Which means I can travel at least 2 times a year.

Me is still the same ME, whether it's reality or dreams. I still will save for the emergency needs.

I am not going to tag anyone since I know that my traffic flow is low.


Instructions :
**Start Copy**
Proposition: If you Have $1,000,000.00…………………………………
1st - Tag 5 bloggers, list down their blog and link to their blog.
2nd - Let the blogger you want to tag know they have been tagged by commenting in their blog or whichever method convenient.
3rd - Add your own blog link to the list below.
What They Do With Their $1 Million :

1. SYH will spend for Family.
2. Miche will give to the needy.
3. Montessorimum will keepsake
4. Healthfreakmommy will keep, invest, spend and give to the needy.
5. Chin Nee will Spend on Everything
6. Sasha will spend a little here and there and keep some too!
7. Laundryamah will spend a lot and not keep any!
8. Sweetpea will spend it like a mummy should.
9. wHOisBaBy will save it for future.
10. Chooi Peng will spend on new car, new home and a shopping trip
11. Jasmine will buy a MPV, invest in a business and shake legs
12. SiwwyPig will build her dream house, buy her dream car and travel the world
13. Lovely Mummy will spend & save
14. mommyof2angels wish there’re more millions coming!
15. Angeleyes will migrate to Ozland, start an eatery business and invest the rest.

16. Mama2jojo will invest, spend and travel around the world.

Birds go home....

Almost everyday I will take Jo1 & Jo2 for a walk right after dinner. Today, I was kind of late so, by the time we went for a walk, the sky was getting dark. Jo2 saw birds flying away, and he was happily shouted that "birds go home." Later, he continued that:"Birds go home to find mommy birds, daddy birds, jie-jie birds, gong-gong birds, ah-mah birds, kimkim (my SIL) bird, qiu-qiu bird (my brother)........
From here, I sense that he actually realise the important of family & home sweet home.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Daddy's boy

Since yesterday, Jo2 call papa2jojo as Daddy instead of papa. I noticed that after he backed from school. He told me that Daddy take me to school today, also Daddy take me home. Later, at night, he told me Daddy "sayang" me, and Daddy is now @ office buy sweet-sweet for me......

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

2D/1N @ Cameron Highlands

MIL & her 4 lovely grandchildren

Jo2 & Hui Ming jiejie

Jo2's first taste of strawberry ice-cream

This is my first trip travel w/ my MIL. The photos tells all, kids have fun there, esp at the strawberry farm where we picked the strawberries, filled up our stomach first b4 we filled up the basket of how many we want to buy....

Friday, July 13, 2007

Play school - Week 2

Day 6 (9/07/07)


Day 7 (10/07/07)

Skipped again

Day8 (11/7/07)

Saved by the birthday party bash at school. He starts to show that he likes school after he received the party bag from the b'day girl. First thing he said to me when I went to pick him: "School is FUN." Back home, I think is the teacher that teach him to say this to mommy. Why I know, b'coz normally he will say "I am happy" instead of using the word "FUN."

Day 9 (12/7/07)
Morning woke up, happy as usual. After he finished his milk, asked for a slice of bread and later I changed for him, and ready for school. No sign of "I DON"T WANT GO TO SCHOOL." All he asked for was:"After, u call me - Joshua, go home.......ok." Where he meant he wanted me to take him home.

Day 10 (13/7/07)
I guess the happiness is still there, but not sure whether he likes the school or juz the party @ school. Even though he kept saying : "I DON"T WANT GO TO SCHOOL." He repeartedly say this b4 he goes to bed and after he wakes up (more than 10x a day) but I can tell he actually enjoyed himself at school. Like the teacher said,: he juz pretend only. Reached school @ 8:45AM, he refused to let the teacher carry him out from the car, he wanted to walked down by himself. So, I decided to parkd my car & take a peek. To my surprised, he oredi in the pantry enjoying his breakfast (biscuits) and he didn't even noticed that mommy was looking @ him from outside.

Cross my finger, hope that he is still ok o go to school after the weekend.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Play school - Week 1

I enrolled Jo2 to a play school which started on Monday (2/7/07). I told him that he is going to school tomorrow since he is a big boy now. Yes, nowadays he gets angry when mommy called him "baby," so I use this as an excuse that only "baby" stay at home......big boy goes to school.

Day 1 (2/07/07)

He woke up early, asked for milk. After he finished his milk, I bathe and changed for him. He looked happy with a smilling face. I left home @ 8:45am, reached there b4 9. Everthing went smoothly until he saw the teacher face. Unexpected, he cried out so loud that I can hear it from outside after the teacher carried him inside the class. I stayed there for about 20 minutes, and left for work after he settled down. Back home, he told me that teacher is "scary," ppl (friends) all go home. From my understanding, I think he meant he is afraid of the teachers since both Teacher Grace and Teacher Somshai are Indian.

Day 2 (3/07/07)

After changed, he told me that he is ready to go "kai-kai," and I told him that :"No, we are going to school." He refused to go down from the car when I reached there, so I have to carry him into the class. He cried for a while, few minutes later he was o.k then. Back home, he told me that :"kakak sayang me." (Maid at the school loves me) b'coz she bathe for me and told me that she "sayang" me if I don't cry. At night, Jo2 popped out new word - "HOW" followed by the "WHY" that I blog about.

Day 3 (4/07/07)

On the way to school, he told me that he is sleepy and want to go home and sleep. (showed me the tired face, pretend to yawn). I dropped him, gave him a goodbye kiss, Teacher Linda came to carry him to class. I parked my car, and stayed there for a while b4 I left for office. At 10:30AM, Linda (school principal) called me and informed me that my little boy is getting adapted to the new environment as compared to the first days. He even asked a boy, who is also a new comer not to cry.......I laughed when she told me that Jo2 talked like "uncle," he warned other classmates not to run in the class, if not they will fall down and "pain-pain," pointing at the blue black spot he has on his leg.

Day 4 (5/07/07)
Papa2jojo offered to take Jo2 to school so that I wouldn't be late for work. Too bad, things screw up b'coz Jo2 knows papa2jojo's weak point. He wanted him to stay there, waiting for him outside the classroom. He ran out from the classroom whenever he wanted to see papa2jojo, and other kids also followed him. At about 12:30PM, I received a call from the principal, we chat and talked for a while, and the conclusion is : I will drop my son to school by myself tomorrow.......

Day 5 (6/07/07)
On the way to school, I told Jo2 that he is not a baby anymore, so when we reached school, he has to say "thank you mommoy & bye-bye mommy," and walked to the class on his own. Reached school at about 8:15AM, and he kept saying wanted me to follow him. The principal carried him down from the car and tried to calm him down. By the time I parked my car, I saw Jo2 was sitting on Linda's lap and others standing around her singing "I Love U" song, which is his favorite Barney's theme song. So, left after they finished the song.

The first week was not easy, hopefully he can cope with it by next week. The good sign is Jo2 has slightly pick up the habit of reading. He begged me to read for him b4 bedtime on Saturday which is a rare thing since he never like books. The bad news is Jo2 lose the battle, he is down with cough & flu on Saturday morning.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Meningococcal Vaccine

Finally, Jo2 has completed all the required vaccines below 3 years old. As for Jo1, Meningococcal Vaccine was the last jab, but now Jo2 has another one due next month which is pneumococcal. I know that is the most expensive jab amongst. This is a new jab that was launched last year, and only 1 company monopolize that's why it's so costly. The medicine itself cost RM290 + consultation fees + prescription fees, at least I have to spend RM350 for each child. So, Dr. Sim informed me that be prepared to spend about RM700 if I would to let both of them to take this jab, since according to him, this virus attack children below 9 yrs old, and prevention is needed for Jo1 too. Sometimes, juz pity to see them suffer have to take so many jabs since birth.....