Thursday, July 26, 2007

My sausage bun

It's been almost a month since Jo2 started his play school life. The begining was not easy, and wasn't that hard too. Now, I am glad that he likes his school, and accroding to teacher he is a friendly, cute, happy go lucky boy. Yesterday, Teacher asked me whether want to let him participate in school annual concert, and today the school's principal Linda told me a jokes about him during tea break.

While Jo2 is eating his sausage bun during tea break, Linda talked to him
P. Linda: I m hungry, can I eat yr sausage bun.
Jo2: I eat oredi-woh. (he meant he started to take bite)
P. Linda: Never mind, I want to eat 1/2 only.
Jo2: Cannot mommy buy for ME one!
P. Linda: The, next time ask yr mommy to buy for me also, can?
Jo2: My mommy only buy for me and Joning jie jie (that's how he call Jo1)
Jo2: U ask yr mommy go and buy for u-la.....ok!
The conversation ended until Linda don't know what to say, while he also finished his bun.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That was intense!

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