Friday, November 23, 2007

He likes to say......

Recently, this is what Jo2 likes to say after he say "thank you" or "sorry."

Give him something, he will say:
"THANK YOU, mommy hamburger..........." or " THANK YOU, jiejie hotdog bun..........." or
"THANK YOU, kongkong sushi..........." or "THANK YOU, A-mah pancake..........."

same thing when he apologise, he will say the word sorry followed by the name of food or things that came across his mind. Last nite, we had "Sorry, jiejie ambulance...." aiyooyoo this boy really make my head big.


Sasha Tan said...

Eh So KEWT!! everything also got food at the back...even sorry..:S

jazzmint said...

hahaha...funny fella :P

ZMM said...

How come huh? So funny.

Mummy Joanne and Daddy Terence said...

wow, salute him!! So creative!! Hmm, in another word, he's telling you all that he knows lots of food!! hahaha!