Sunday, May 25, 2008

Lastest BIG words he said...

Jo2 is learning single word (vocab) in school now, he can recognize and spell out some words with no fail (for example: cow, no, mouse, duck...) and mixed up with some words (like: toy, boy, cat, car, wall, small). Yesterday, he surprised me with new words when he said:

case 1

Jo2: mommy, I want to eat peanuts.
me: is 2 enough for you?
Jo2:It's "DEFINALY" (definitely) not enough for me."

case 2:
Jo2: mommy, jiejie always "SIMPLI" (simply) say me, I don't like her.
(Pointing at his jiejie ) You don't simpli say say people-ah!

So, at the end of the day I checked on his scrapbook and I can't find these 2 words and I have no clue at all where he learn these words.


Sue said...

Yeah, it's surprising what and where they learn stuff from :P

jazzmint said...

hehe..maybe learn from tv :P

Mummy Joanne and Daddy Terence said...

Kids always give us surprises. They pick up word at ANYWHERE, at ANYTIME from ANYONE, hahahaha!

Kelvin recently surprises me with lots of new vocab, so it's time for us to watch out what we said, just in case they pick up the wrong word from us! hahaha!