Tuesday, March 07, 2006


My little Jo2 has finally learnt to kiss mummy. What he will do is just his lips touch my face (with lots of saliva, guaranteed) at the same time give mummy a hug. So, when papa2jojo saw this scene, he request the same thing from Jo2, but he ran away. Poor daddy, he tried several times, but failed to get any kisses from his son. He has to turn to Jo1 for... ...

I found out that Jo2 only kiss 2 person - that's his mummy and baby Vernon (my sis#3 newborn baby)


Egghead said...

Jo2 leaving his kisses everywhere very soon :)

jazzmint said...

muaks muaksss...i just love kids kissing, minus the saliva :P

mama2jojo said...

Yalo, his next target is Jo1

I don't mind the saliva if it's my own kids.....only