Thursday, August 11, 2005

Give way to AMBULANCE, pls... ...

This morning while driving Jo1 to her nursery, I heard there was a siren of ambulance coming behind me. As usual, I am always ready to give way but the car behind me seems like so unwilling to do so. I saw it from my rear mirror, the ambulance was just right behind her car but she stopped at the traffic lights junction and don't even bother to shift her car aside so that the ambulance can overtake. What a pity scene.

  • Don't just sit there and do nothing (move your butt even though the lights is red)
  • Don't be selfish, think of others and people who needed medical treatment urgently (it involves a human life) even though it's not your love one or someone you know.
  • Don't give way to VIP only (b'coz they have policemen in front of them)
  • It will be a shame thing for drivers to receive a summon for not giving way to ambulance. (wonder this should be imply???)

So, I take this opportuniy to teach Jo1 a lesson as well.

1 comment:

Suzette said...

What to do? No wonder the radio is playing the community ad, urging people to give way to ambulance. Never expect this kind of ad in our country, how would other countries look at us? Really shamefull...