No regrets. That's what I told myself after sending him to playschool even though it's 1/2 yrs earlier than I first planned.
- He begging me to read books for him b4 bedtime. He would to throw books away or tear it when I first introduced books to him. Sometimes, he even use books as a stepping stone for him to reach out something that I placed higher, and it's beyond his reach.
- He sings or hymns more often than he used to be.
- He likes school now. He wanted me to take him to school right after he finished his milk b4 bedtime. No more I don't want go to school......He wants to go to school everyday. Even when it is Sunday, he said he wanted to go to school too.
- He is more willing to do the clean up job compared to last time. I noticed that he will push his high chair in place after dinner, place his bowl to the kitchen table top, and also keep his toys after his play time.
- He gets angry when I call him "BABY." Real mad, I tell u.......and his face looks cute when he is angry. Crazy ME, sometimes I still call him "Baby" juz to make him angry.
- Unfortunately he is still refuse to take vegetables even though teacher told me that he eats carrots, potatoes, beans @ school for lunch, but not during dinner time when I am around.