Tuesday, May 22, 2007

All I want is "MILK".....mommy

Both my chidren love to drink milk very much. Jo1 supposed to fully wean off at the age of 5 but she pleadge me to let her continue until she turns 6. In this case, milk has become a powerful weapon for me to control them.

Case 1:
Ask Jo1 to do homework.......she refused.
Me: Go & do yr homework now if u want to drink milk b4 bedtime.
Jo1: ok......lo!!!

Case 2:
Refused to finish her meal.
Jo1: mommy, I am full oredi. I cannot finish the rice.
Me: U don't ask for milk later if u are full now.
Jo1: But, I can only finish the soup, can?
Me: ok.

As for Jo2, he is a frequent milk drinker coz he only takes 4 oz each time. So, I have more chance to so call "threaten" him.

Case 1:
Pointing his toy gun at me......pheng pheng pheng!!!!
Me: Hey, u shoot me ah??? If mommy die-liao no one make milk for u-le.....
Jo2: Sori....mommy (hugging me)

Case 2:
Me: Come and keep yr toy now.....time to sleep!!!
Jo2: mommy keep!
Me: No milk for u if u don't keep yr toy now.
Jo2: mommy & jie jie help! (since he knows there's no more kakak)

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