Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Papa2jojo is a workholic

Papa2jojo has been working days and nights since last month. He actually can work non-stop for 24/7 and sometimes only take a nap in the office for less than 6 hours. My worries to him is that he might overworked and it might harm his health.
Last nite, he came home earlier than usual and he told me that his boss has actually cut his Apr's overtime hour from 123 to 100, the 23 hours convert to A/L. To me, it will actually cut to nothing since papa2jojo never used up all the A/L he earned. I know he will still work like a "cow" even though the boss did this to him. He don't care much since he like his job so much, too bad the company never reward employees who never take M/C or A/L with 100% attendance.

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