Thursday, September 08, 2005

Marriage affair

Anything can happen, I mean to find out that partner having affairs with others is very common nowadays. Don't take me wrongly, papa2jojo is not having an affair with other's actually my colleague.

It happened in the begining of this year, we suspect this when she is still pregnant and expecting her 2nd child.....she cried very often, and we suspect it when we saw her puffy eyes and face. We thought that she cried b'coz she is having insomnia and tired due to pregnancy....later, she has phone calls, mobile calls nonstop and we see tears on her eyes while she is on the phone. Her only reply when we asked: "Oh, it's something very personel." My colleague and her husband, both has a very high potential / chance of "tao sait" b'cos both are "lengh chai, lengh nui" (handsome guy and pretty girl) , yet they have very wide circle of friends.

Now, the baby is 2 months +, but the matter is still unsolved coz I still see her "puff puff" during office hours, and the phone is still ringing, and she is still whispering on the phone, and she can show up in the morning and disappear in the afternoon (take EMERGENCY leave what!!!). Great thing of all is that, she doesn't have to take care of her children so she has time for these... ...something extra in a marriage, and something beyond my control (just kei po)

The only thing I hope now is she can be more considerate, not only for her own sake, but also for the kids future.
The Q now is should these ppl given a 2nd chance if found cheating in their relationship???
My answer is: NO.

Remember the three R's:
Respect for self;
Respect for others;
Responsibility for all your actions

1 comment:

Egghead said...

wah... this is BIG news huh!
need more update (3 8) on this :P